Raven The Little Rascal

year: 2012
postproduction company: Pixomondo Berlin
position: Compositor, 3D-Artist
software: Adobe After Effects, Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop
additional informations: http://www.rabe-socke-film.de, IMDB-Page

My task was to composite as many shots as possible with a average timing of 3 hours per shot;) There were some shots I just needed to put together the several drawn layers and grade them a little bit. There were others, I had to add animated water reflections, rain, rivers, flashes and some other light effects.
In the run-up to the compositing phase I also worked as a 3D-artist for that project. The I was expected to set up the virtual camera for some of the raft shots so the perspective of the 3-dimensional model fits to the drawn environment.

The gallery below shows a selection of the around 60 shots I made:

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