Game of Thrones – Season 2

Year: 2012
Postproduktion Company: Pixomondo Hamburg
Position: Compositor, 3D-Artist
Software: The Foundry Nuke, Autodesk Maya
Additional Informations: Homepage, IMDB-Page

Back then in Hamburg we just worked at the last episode. My task was to create digital snow for several shots. To do so I used Maya’s particle system. During the compositing those rendering where combined with stock-footage of snow to get the impression of real dense snow.
In the end I could help the comp-department by keying one or two shots and creating a digital rock extension. By the way it was the rock Sam who was played by John Bradley-West is hiding himself from the White Walkers.

snow sequence:

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Year: 2009
Postproduction Company: Scopas Medien AG
Position: 3D-Artist
Software: Autodesk Maya
Additional Informations: Hompage, IMDB-Seite

My task was to light the scene, to set up the rendering and to do the texturing/shading for some props.

Following you can watch the episodes – have fun!


Kunterbunt gemalt


In der Falle

Prinz Dreckspatz

Das Saugmonster


Die Gespensterjagd

Robo spinnt

Apfelmus für die JoNaLu’s

Flieg Rakete Flieg

Der Hicks muss weg

Das große Spiel

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The Moffels

Jahr: 2007
Postproduktionsfirma: QuadrigaFX GmbH
Position: Junior 3D-Artist
Software: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Bodypaint

My task was to improve the textures and shaders of all main characters. The trailer conatins the old version. The gallery below shows the improved look.

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